
Poems, rhymes and general doggerel by poets and rhymers from Kingston Upon Hull.

Rambling Sid (after his boyhood hero Rambling Syd Rumpo) usually looks at the news from a perverse angle.

Seamus does the same but explodes into Limericks.

Pat X, the ex pat, sadly no longer with us, looked at the quirkiness of everyday life. She specialised in performance poetry which needs actions to bring out the finer points.

2 Responses to About

  1. Pippa King says:

    Hi Rambling Sid,

    On behalf of Rackaback Morris we love your poem about the bells, football, morris man, etc! Thank you for taking the time to post it up on the This is Hull website. If you ever fancy dipping your toe into the madness that is the world of morris, do come along to a practice, you really would be most welcome 🙂

    • onlyinhull says:

      Hi Pippa, Thanks for the comment. I’m all for a bit of madness (sanity and reality have little to recommend them). I tried Morris ddancing back in the 60’s but found myself handicapped by lack of both rhythm and coordination so I tend to leave that to Ex Pat who runs a group of Ger …. errrrm …. mature Morris dancers in Spain.
      Good Luck

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